The DMV continues
Today, August 19, 2005 will be a day that lives in my brain for possibly the rest of eternity. Again, in my quest to be responsible I decided to go to the Texas DMV and get my drivers license changed to a Texas DL. I once again drove WAY out to the middle of nowhere in order to get this taken care of, but sure to have all of the necessary documentation that is necessary. I went armed with my AR DL, University of Arkansas student Id, and my social security card.
Once inside the building you must approach the "bouncer" to procure your number. By bouncer I mean the disgruntled and quite dishelved woman at the counter. She scrutinized my Arkansas license and social security card as though they were counterfeit made in the back room next to the meth lab and then seemed irritated that not only did I have all the necessary documentation but had already filed out the application. She printed my number "A172" and pointed me to the room brimming with people who looked hot and angry.
In my lifetime I have typically tried to avoid people who look hot and angry but here I was putting myself in a room full of them. So I sat and waited and wondered how long the wait would be until I looked at the now serving # A096 on the screen and knew it was going to be a while.
An hour and forty five mintues later (hot and angry), my number was called and I went to counter '1' and gave all of the necessary documents to the employee who looked at my U of A ID taken five years ago and my Arkansas DL taken at the whopping weight of 250 and said
"Theres a big difference here"
Yeah well I gained a lot of weight in five years, thanks for noticing is this going to take long??
(evil look and a smirk) $24 dollars, read line 5 and stand behind the white line for your picture.
While I know that there is a huge difference in the 170 pounds that I was in 2000 and the 250 pounds I was in 2004 I also would have liked her to have said something slightly more positive, for example,
Wow, there is a big difference here, OH but I see this was taken in 2004 and you look so much more like the U of A id now.
Now wouldn't that have been slightly more appropriate than the YOU GOT FAT comment.
But anyway;
I completed all tasks that were requested and was sent away with a piece of paper heralding that I was licensed to drive in the state of Texas with the promise that the REAL id would be mailed to me and should be received in 2-4 weeks. Unlike the Arkansas DMV where you can see the horrid picture looking back at you in minutes I will have to wait 2-4 weeks to see what this one looks like.
Sometimes I miss Arkansas, I never thought the DMV would make me miss it, but sadly it did.
So now I am a semi-licensed driver and still an avid Tolltag user.
My own HUSBAND won't even approach me if I am in the "hot and angry" state. And let's face it--If I'm hot, I'm angry. The state of Arkansas is currently encouraging us to avoid the revenue office at all costs, and to do everything by mail or online. Nice, I tell ya.
Am I getting spammed on the blogger, GOOD LORD does it ever end?
That was funny. I will bookmark you and read often!
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