I CAN'T TAKE IT..........

When did my generation become so obsessed with celebrities?? The gossip magazine business is a muti billion dollar a year industry and all it is are articles speculating on the sexuality of one star or who another star is having sex with currently or MIGHT be having sex with currently.
I can't say that I am not completely innocent of being fascinated by the lives of celebrities but only to a certain extent and certain celebs such as Tom Brady (quarterback for the New England Partiots and this months GQ cover man) and Paris Hilton (I know someone stop me now but its like a trainwreck you know you shouldn't look but you can't help but look at the ruins that lie before you.)
Tom Brady lives a seemingly normal existance. He is married to that girl that was on the Law & Order, Angie Harmon and they have some babies and maybe a horse or something I don't know. But he just wanders around in his hotness and husbands and fathers and plays football. Now that is the kind of celebrity gossip that I can deal with.
Paris is just a tragedy. From her ridiculous actions to her clothes to her SHAM of an engagement to that Greek shipping heir boy.
SIDEBAR: Why is it that their are so many Greek shipping heirs. Paris Hilton is dating one, Mary Kate Olsen is dating one, where did they all come from?? If you are Greek does that mean that you are by birth given the right at some point in your life to be titled a "Greek Shipping Heir".
Anyway, the American public has become celeb obsessed and spends no telling how much money and time involved in the countless drivel that mags like STAR! and USWeelkly put out.
Bennifer, Brajolina, and AniPitt WHO CARES?!?!?!? Meanwhile, they havent spoken to their own children in a week and don't realize that their spouse is having an affair with Tom Cruise.
He is gay, I don't care what anyone says.
Tom Cruise MIGHT have been gay, but you see, the "Church" of Scientology CURES gayness. Didn't you realize? Send them all your money now, and you, too can be an asexual zombie-slave.
For great entertainment, spend a few hours with www.xenu.net, then for the lighter side, www.tomcruiseisnuts.com.
I would also like to make a correction at this time. I like many people cofused Mr. Tom Brady with Jason Seahorn. Tom is not married to the woman from Law and Order THAT is Jason Seahorn who is also a hottie. Mr. Brady is dating the woman who played Bigs wife, Natasha on Sex and the City.
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