The downfall of American society, THE HUMMER

I would like to take this oppurtunity to let everyone who is reading this blog in on the secret of the downfall of American society.
While some people may see it as the Republican party, some people may see it as greedy oil companies, and some (while wrong) may see it as homosexuals being able to marry, I would like to point out the REAL AND TRUE downfall, THE HUMMER H2. (picture right)
In case you have not had the oppurtunity to experience this monstrosity let me begin to describe what it is like to drive next to one, especially if said vehicle is being navigate by a 5 foot tall 100 pound woman talking on the phone and applying her eyeliner.
It is similar to that of being in a windstorm while driving next to a semi-trailer. You fear for your very existance because at any moment the giant beast could swerve into your lane and cease your very life. It is like being stuck in an elevator, claustrophobia begins to set in and heavy breathing and profuse sweating accompanies the fear that you may not make it out alive.
This blog stems from the fact that I have seen more of these vehicles in the past few days than I think is truly necessary. Lets start with the plain and simple facts shall we;
According to Hummers website the H2 starts its pricing structure just short of 55,000 but that my friends does NOT include certain luxuries one cannot live without such as air conditiong and floor mats. I am sorry but for 55000 bucks you better give me some damn A/C. What it does have are some pretty impressive numbers in the capabilities section. Just keep in mind that if you live on a farm or pull a horse trailer or a camper etc. these numbers might come in handy and make this giant truck worth the almost 60K you would have to spend to procure one, with A/C that is.
The Payload max is 2200lbs and the towed load max is 6700 lbs while the winch capacity is 9000 lbs. So you could throw 2200 pounds of crap in the back while pulling a 6700 lbs trailer or you could pull a 9000 lbs something out of the mud or the ground with the winch. Pretty impressive for those people who need a good around the farm truck.
Here is the kicker, how many H2s have I seen performing that type of work. Even pulling a boat or a camper, NONE!! In all of my time spent on the road between LR and Dallas I have seen numerous H2s but most of them are parked at the mall or at the Wal-Mart or being driven by suburban house wifes who think that its cute.
That is the first scenario, the second is that a man who is uncomfortable with his sexual prowess has decided that in order to prove his manhood he has to drive the GIANT vehicle to feel as though he is a real man. He is typically an investment banker who wears a suit everyday to work and lives in some sprawling McMansion in the middle of a trendy neighborhood but his H2 certainly does make him feel like a big strong man, doesn't it??
I would also like to point out at this juncture that figuring on an average price of 2.60 a gallon it costs about 85.00 dollars to fill this joker up AND you have to do it about twice a week. Meanwhile my Nissan costs 35.00 to fill up and I can do it once every two weeks.
So the point, DOWN WITH THE HUMMER!!!!!!!!
Outside of military use, there is NO EXCUSE for owning this abomination. Unless you are Sam Fisher. Which you are not.
Interesting Splinter Cell reference I didn't know that you were a video game fan.
I want to BE Sam Fisher. He is the coolest. They should totally make a movie of Splinter Cell starring George Clooney.
Now--I don't actually PLAY, you understand. Alex plays, while I either shout encouragement or heckle him. Sometimes when he gets stuck I get online and try to figure out where in the world ol' Sam is supposed to be going.
Have you seen the most recent SC incarnation? Sorry to revert to a 13-year-old boy for a moment, but SA-WEEEET!
sadly I have not seen the latest incarnation. I am one of those Xbox players that plays the horrible game Grand Theft Auto III and shoots people for no reason. No doubt this game is causing people to become terrorists.
The only hummer that should be available for purchase is the military hummer. This new stuff is just to over the top for me. If I were to buy a hummer I would want to take it offroading/mudding. With this new hummer 2 it would not be permissable to do that.
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