New Years Eve, "Reptile Outfits" Satin Full Lengths, and White Louis Vuitton bags
HAPPY 2006!!!!!! Like many people I spent my 2006 in a bar in Little Rock with friends listening to GREAT live music provided by my friend Chads band, B-Side and of course swilling one too many libations. Naturally when one partakes of the drink you see very interesting sights, or at least your perspective of such sights is dramatically altered.
For your examination, I present to you three examples of the Fashion Victims of New Years 2006;
Victim #1
As my friends and I were sitting in a booth at Sticky Fingers there appeared a woman who was, if I had to guess, mid 40's (i.e. old enough to know better), wearing a complete outfit.
Let me define outfit from my standpoint.
outfit - noun - a set of clothing that is of the same pattern and design from top to bottom. usually a mistake, typically made of a bad fabric with an even worse design.
So you got the picture so far. Mid 40s, wearing an outfit that was of horizontal zig zag pattern and seemed, from afar, to have previously been the skin of a reptile. What sort of reptile I am unable to tell you for I did not venture close enough to see. All of this topped of with bleached blond hair with 'new growth' of about an inch and a half.
If the outfit and the hair were not bad enough then the uncontrollable Elaine Benice like dancing was the straw that broke the camels back.
I can say that she was having a great time so GOOD FOR HER. Although I cannot recommend, even faux, a reptile being the source of your clothing selection unless it is a handbag or a pair of shoes. But that is it. No one should have blouse and/or pants made of a crocodile.

I would like to begin by saying that at no time do I like the fabric, satin, unless used as an underlay or on a wedding dress. If you think about it, it doesn't hang well on anyones frame except for maybe Kate Moss and that is only because she weighs less than the fabric. To see someone come into a place like Sticky Fingers wearing a full length satin gown, was more than shocking.
Let me give you a rundown of Sticky's. Its a bar/restaurant. Mostly painted in bold primary colors with really funky art and light fixtures, it is a GREAT place to eat and also to listen to live music. Typical dress is jeans. The top can be anything from long underwear under a t-shirt bearing the phrase "White Trash" (worn by my brother Nate) to a button down untucked. A full length ANYTHING would stand out, whether it be fur, gown, or feature film.
Back to Ms. Satin. Again, satin doesn't hang well on anyone and she was no exception. She was a generally thin body frame but the bit around her tummy could not be hidden for the satin tells not tales. It was there for everyone to see. Also, she was apparently "unsupported" in the upper regions of her body and I disagree with this most strongly. Of course, I don't know A LOT about bras and upper body support on women but GIVE ME SOMETHING. Tape, a strapless, a corset anything just don't let them hang there lifeless especially if you insist on wearing satin. Her choice of accessories was odd. One of those "Sak" like bags that were all the rage several years ago except this one covered in half inch sequins. A casual bag to say the least but yet partnered with her full length. I disagree with this and I am unanimous in this.

Ms. Satins 'friend'.
This girl, bless her heart, forgot that it was December/January. I realize that it was close to 60 degrees on New Years Eve but still give me something here. She was not an unattractive girl by any standard but her choice of khaki GAP capri pants with a strappy sandal concerned me in January. Maybe it was the influence of my mother that taught me to dress for the season even if the season is freakishly warm. So capris, strappy sandals, denim jacket and a white multi-color Louis Vuitton purse.
Generally I like Louis Vuitton. There is a lot to be said of the unbelievable staying power that it has had over the past century. I think that people on the Titanic were carrying his luggage. So that has to say something. A couple of years ago, a Japanese cartoon illustrator turned clothing designer was commissioned to create what would be called the Murakami Multi-Color collection, first produced in white and then later in black. Typical Louis design just in REALLY bright pastel colors. In my humble opinion on fashion this bag is a spring bag, really almost just an easter bag but can go through summer but not so much in December. Remember that old rule, don't wear white shoes after Labor Day? Didn't that apply to purses as well.
Don't carry a white handbag after Labor Day?? Even if it is Louis Vuitton. They do make brown and black bags to carry the rest of the year.
Anyway, OFF THE SOAPBOX. We had a great time. Allison's boyfriend Chad saw a guy approaching her on the dance floor while he was playing the drums and tossed his stick at the guy to WARD him off for he was making a 'humping motion' towards her. One can only assume that this was his way of trying to dance with her. I guess we will never know.
It was lots of fun. My boyfriend looked rockin hot in the shirt that his wonderful boyfriend bought him for Christmas and rang in the New Year with a bang Hope everyones was as wonderful as mine!!!! HAPPY 2006~~~
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