Pat Robertson and the Wicked Witch of the West

Horrified I think is not quite strong enough to describe my reaction to the recent comments from Pat Robertson, the once leader of the Christian Coalition and the host of the famed 700 Club talk show. His suggestion that the United States "take out" the Venezuelan president not only confuses me to no end but brings up another question one must ask themselves,
Should idiots be allowed to talk publicly on the television??
Now I realize that in our lifetimes, myself included in this, that people say stupid things, I would at this point like to reference a quote from a friend of mines sister, who is in colllege....
"4 out of 3 people are bad at fractions"
While this comment could possibly top one of the most hysterical things that I have ever heard of it in no way affected American society. It may have caused worry about Arkansas' institutions of higher learning but in no way caused a backlash of public opinion or had the potential to cause major international conflicts.
Where the problem lies is that when people say stupid things once or twice its okay you laugh it off but then when they say idiotic things over and over again, especially on TV, you have to begin to wonder if someone, such as a producer or editor, shouldn't pay attention to the bonehead things that they are saying and prevent them from being made public.
Just to reference a couple of things that Mr. Robertson has said in the past BESIDES the recent, Take him out comment.......
"He has suggested in the past that a meteor could strike Florida because of unofficial "Gay Days" at Disney World"
Feminism caused women to kill their children, practice witchcraft and become lesbians.
In the first place I didn't know that Pat Robertson had any knowledge of any meteors or other space objects such as that hurdling towards earth. In the past I have heard nothing about a meteor or any other natural disaster coming towards Disney World anytime near Gay Days. I know that he was referring to the rath of God because a large group of sinners are in one place at one time but seriously Pat, Disney World is the happiest place on Earth, give us a break would ya??

Second, a murderous, witchcraft practicing lesbian would be quite amusing. Can't you imagine?? For some reason I just imagine the wicked witch of the west dragging around that worn out broom and ordering monkeys around.
I don't know if she was a lesbian but she certainly practiced witchcraft.
I have met multiple feminists and I don't think a single one of them practiced witchcraft, was a lesbian or looked like the WW of the West. Sorry, Pat, wrong again.
It all boils down to this fact, I think that if you are a public figure such as Mr. Robertson and you are regarded by many as a wonderful man you should not suggest that our country murder other countries leaders. Even if he is a dangerous man who is going to make Venezuela the breeding ground for Muslim extremism. Sorry, Pat, wrong again.
Just a thought for you to ponder, who do you think would win a fight between a feminist, witch, lesbian a.k.a Condi Rice and Pat Robertson?? Something to think about.
Freedom of speech, Babe. Cuts like a knife...both ways.
As for the fight? Well, it would obviously be Willow, the lesbian witch from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", especially if it's one of those times she gets really pissed off and her hair, clothes, and eyes turn black and her skin goes all veiny. Ask David if you don't believe me.
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