Geographically Single
There are many reasons as to why people explain the reasons that they have met their significant other. The control of a higher power whether it be God or fate or the 'universe' is probably the biggest reason that I have heard in my years of dating.
"We met because God put us together"
Okay, well that is a great explanation for those people but what about the people who don't believe in that God or even a higher power. Is there a reason that we meet, date, and settle down? I think that there is a certain nesting factor that happens to all of us as we age. (NO comments from the peanut gallery about the lack of rings inside my trunk). Humans and mammals for that matter seem to have a predisposition to finding a mate and sticking with them. As our society has evovled over the decades the length of time with which people stay together has shortened and this is concerning, to me at least.
In the '50s it was NOT uncommon to know people who were married or had been together for 30, 40, or 50 years. The divorce rate of course was a lot lower and I think that was more to do with the role that society had placed on women. Women were expected to grow up, get married, and considering divorce was not an option. It was shun by society. How many people got divorce in 1950?
What seems to have happened is that our technological advance of the last decade has profoundly affected the way that we live our everyday lives. Obviously. Email has replaced phone calls which replaced personal contact. Its not uncommon to never actually speak to someone who is a business associate and/or friend for months. Sure, we love our computers, our ability to close multi-billion dollar deals with an email, and end meaningful relationships with a text message but at what cost does it come?
Are we so out of touch and jaded that we don't stick around to work out problems in our relationships because if you aren't who I want, exactly, I can leave and find someone who is? Which leads me back to the geographically single title. In a city like Dallas, where everything is deliverable, findable, and do able, what keeps us in a relationship?
To quote a good friend on this topic
"You will also find people less willing to compromise and work on problems, because they know the supply of men is plentyful"
Sure the supply of men is plentiful but how tacky is that to actually think about? If I am not perfect in EVERY way, I could be left standing for someone who actually appears to hold the perfection that I did not.
Our society has placed entirely too much stock in this so called 'perfection'. For decades, women have been plagued with pictures of too thin, supposedly beautiful women as the idea of perfection. I never really could understand why this affected them in such a way. Until I became immersed in gay culture. The boys with the abs win. Hands down, every time. Intelligence, consideration, deep thought and kindness are considered strange characteristics and have been placed last on the list of things wanted in a partner or even a friend. They always lose to who has the better body, the prettier face, or the best hair. And why shouldn't they? We worship the example of perfection because the majority of people are too scared to get real. Get deep.
Real feelings and emotions are difficult to deal with because they aren't pleasant all the time. Drug addiction and alcoholism are rampant.
So, if I become plastic, true hard cold shiny plastic would the part that is not wither and die?
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