Look Mom no hands
Good Morning, Evening, or Afternoon whichever applies to you just use it. It has been quite a while since I blogged and I am trying this new thing. I am going to try and blog everyday, I mean I really have no excuse not to. Lets jump into life shall we?
The move to the condo is complete I think that it was the last time that I blogged. I immediately starting painting because we all know my feeling about white walls. I, in my wisdom, decided that I wanted to paint my living room a deep red color......
Side note: If you MUST do this, hire someone. It has taken me 5 gallons and countless hours to paint and I need another gallon. Gross.
The painting is going fine but the walls are textured and so of course the paint is sticking differently and looking splotchy in some spots. I will have to spend quite a bit of time touching up but it will be fabulous when its done. I painted the ceiling a tanish color and the doors and of course all the trim. This is an extensive project because more than likely I am going to buy this condo. Its in a great neighborhood and I can get it for a CHEAPO price, relatively speaking. Its a good place to start. Next I have to paint the office and my bedroom. While everyone I know basically is screaming for me to hire someone to do it, I have some sort of emotional connection with my house if I do it myself. So instead of hiring a 100$ a day man to do it. I am suffering through it. I am anxious for it to get done so I can stop living in the 'blue tape, furniture in the middle of the room, plastic on the floor, paint brushes and cans everywhere' place that it has become. Soon enough, patience is a virtue or so they say. Aside from the painting I am also going to take on landscaping. You just WOULD NOT believe how gross the patio is, therefore, I am going to throw some 'fairy dust' on it and whip it into shape. All of this has to be done before my b-day in late August because I want to have the housewarming situation combined with my birthday and I REFUSE to have it in an unfinished house.
Next on the list, the new car of which I am posting MY actual red leathered black beauty up on here. So here are the pics. ENJOY!!!

And there you have it folks, thats the little baby that gets 32 mpg and gets me to work and back everyday. Mostly so I can make the payment. LOL. But whatever.
Moving on, I have decided in conjunction with my therapist that its time for me to stop drinking. For the past few months its been getting slightly out of control and I think that its just time for me to stop. The ultimate goal is a year, 90 days is my short term goal and I am just gonna do it. I am encouraged, to say the least. I am ready to do something with my weekends besides being drunk and then hungover, its tacky. She says after three months I will feel like a totally different person and probably have a totally different group of friends which I sort of can see and can't see. I mean i love my friends but if I wanna eat breakfast at 9 on Saturday morning they are probably not going to want to do that, the drunk bitches. Anyway, that is about all that is going on here in the Big D. Pics of Judith to come. Hope everyone is well.
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