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So I lied. I told all of you, my precious and loyal readers that as soon as tax season was over that I would be back to blogging and letting all of you in on the random rants and raves of the past few months. Well I needed a break, albeit a small one but still a break. After the 17th I wanted to sleep for a week and just lay up in the bed and drink wine and smoke cigarettes but alas, I had to go to Chicago with my mom. I say HAD TO like it was torture or something. Lol. Anyway, I hopped in the luxury import and headed to Little Rock because you can't fly direct on Southwest from Dallas Love to Chicago. Damn Wright Amendment. I wanted to fly with mom anyway so it all worked out.
I got into Little Rock and had made plans to have dinner with Micahel. Now, I know this does not sound like the most intelligent of plans. It actually kind of sounds self destructive but here is my reasoning. I needed closure. After being so head over for this man for years and years, we broke up ON THE TELEPHONE. I hadn't seen him since the beginning of January so it was needed for me to move past it.
I needed support of the friend as well as some liquid courage for this one so I went to my LR boy Robbie J.'s house for drinks on the farm. They rocked and the advice was really awesome. Robby is always good for a laugh or an encouraging word. So 730 rolls around and I am due at Capers for dinner.
It was strange to say the least. Michael looks exactly the same but there is something different. WAY different about the way that we interacted with each other. Obviously, I am not retarded I know that we are no longer intimate but it was almost a strained conversation. It was very light, full of fluff until he made a comment that really hurt my feelings and I was OVER it. That is what it took. Months of suffereing and crying and being all depressed and the one dinner that provided me with closure. I can't say what will become of a relationship that meant so much to me over that year but I do know one thing, Michael isn't the one for me. No matter how many times I felt that he was, he just isn't. There is something about me that is too much for him to handle I think. That is not a bad thing or a negative about him or I. Some people just arent equipped to handle a personality such as mine. I am overblown, dramatic, and proud of who I am. No matter what people think. Period. I spent a long time hiding who I was for fear that I would be rejected. I no longer fear that rejection and I need to be with someone who shares the same attitude.
So dinner, hurt feelings, closure, tears on Drews shoulder and sleep. I talked to Blakely for about an hour and we just worked it all out. We talked about he and I, about how this was MY breakup and that it was going to help. Sort of like pulling off a band-aid really quickly.
Off to Chicago.
I meet Mom at the airport and she instantly comments on how much weight I have lost. Well, it happens. We climb on the plane and take off the wonderful city of Chicago. It was INCREDIBLE. It is so busy and full of life. Everyone walking everywhere, listening to their iPods (EVERYONE), and smoking. Apparently, the big cities in the north did not get the memo that you are supposed to be ashamed if you are a smoker.
We went to all the museums and parks and the aquarium and of course COULD not miss out on the Magnificent Mile. The architecture in the city is so awesome that I found myself wandering around looking up. I mean a Starbucks in a one hundred year old building is REALLY cool. Went to Gucci and got myself a lil something something, thanks Debbie and wore myself out basically shopping all day.
I will post pics later but I just haven't had the time to get them up and done.

For now, its back to work. I will try my hardest to keep up with the blogging but in the mean time you can check out my website.
Its full of current pics of me and the friends that I reun around with. Also, you can check out our nod to Romy and Michelles High School Reunion.
Those are my kids.
My oh my, do we have quite the following on myspace. I was never a big myspace fan, but I will endure it to check out your ... ummm ... space.
Love the Scion, sweetie. And manual is the ONLY way to go. I'm too much of a mommy to ever get one now. Oh well. Kudos to you!
And I'm glad the Michael thing is closed for you.
Welcome back!
Glad to hear you had a good trip to Chicago (but you flew Southwest, boo hiss).
Glad you finally got closer with your relationship, gives me hope that I can do the same with mine.
Congrad's on the new car, looks like a sweet ride (and a pic from DC no less!).
Dude, I totally left you a comment yesterday and it's nowhere to be found. But now I see you double-posted yesterday. Why Britt, Why? Love the Scion and cannot wait to see you again. My friend Jane made some new Campari drink that is gin and juice and it rizzoks!
You rock. welcome back.
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