Random Thoughts and Raves

Friday, March 24, 2006

60 Hour Work Weeks=No Fun

Greetings from the wonderful world of tax season. Hasn't the IRS been trying to make it simpler to file your taxes??? What happened with all of that? Well, whatever, I guess tax professionals don't qualify considering that we do mass amounts of tax work ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Anyway, the excuse for my recent lack of posting. I have received multiple comments from my peeps in the Ar-Kansas wondering if I fell off the face of the planet. Nope, still here, just hold up inside my cell, I mean office.

It has been incredibly busy around this joint lately as you can imagine. Saturdays and Sundays both are days I thought were reserved for rest. Not so much. I have worked and will work both days until the magical day of April 17th. Then a week in Chicago with the mom. CANNOT WAIT.

It has been a typical few weeks of trying to juggle my social calendar, which fills quickly, and my professional calendar which lets be honest, has been full since February.

I have come across a GREAT group of friends that I run around with and cause trouble. Some of them I have had since I moved here and some of them have just recently been added to the ranks. We are trouble and that is all there is to say about that. We have fun and at 23 isn't that what I am supposed to be doing?? Well that and feigning over a new car. Yeah, I have become a yuppy and I want a Land Rover Disco. August is the birthday and I am going to do everything I can to get a new car, if not a Disco then probably one of those cute little Mazda Miatas that I have so often craved since my mom drove one home. I know what you are thinking, BRITT, you are 6'2 how are you EVER going to fit in one of those?? My reply? I don't care. I LOVE THEM. I did find an 04 Discovery that was BLACK. When I say BLACK I MEAN BLACK. Outside, inside, windows, BRUSH GUARD!! All of it. Lets face it, HOW HOT would I look driving around in an ALL BLACK Disco?? I know, right?

The dating portion of my life suddenly exploded all at one time. Its interesting and still I'm not ready. There is a portion of my heart that resides in Arkansas with Michael and of course I don't know that I will ever get it back. He still even after months is a never fading memory. Something about his aura, his being, and his karma that just pulls me back no matter how hard I strive to push away. I by no means burst into tears randomly anymore but there are times when the heartaches are tough. I face them and I move through them with the strength that was given me by my mom. I have been on several dates and have been seeing a couple of guys. Nothing serious because not ready but it gives me hope for the future. I have told them this and they understand and they are still sticking around.

We have multiple choices in this department. Choice #1 is the bad boy. He does hair. REALLY super hot, sweet, etc. and digs him some Britt. That is about as far as it goes. We don't have a lot in common and I am learning about how much the intellectual side of me needs to be attracted to someone. Strange, huh? But we can keep him around to see what transpires because DAMN he sure is pretty to look at.

Choice #2 is really cute. Like little boy cute. Our personalities compliment each other well and he is one of those that you know that you could take home to Mom and she would like him because he is fun, sweet, and has that "take home ability" that so many guys just don't possess.

There are more but truly I am pretty much only interested in these two. We are keeping it casual and that is my choice. Juggling two guys is hard. A scheduling nightmare to be exact but you do what you can. My phone rings CONSTANTLY. 2, 3 in the morning, doesn't matter. But I guess that is the price you pay.

BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE. LOVE YOU!! See you after the 17th.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Tony said...

I bet you look all sexy dressed in suit and tie, tho!!!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Virginia Gal said...

I'm glad to hear that you are moving on past the other guy, I'm having a hard time with that, even though I know he rejected me on silly superficial reasons. It still hurts.
Best of luck, I'm happy to hear someone is doing well in love.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Tony said...

tick tock tick

the 17th has passed.

where is brit?


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