I am in a mood today. I am not really sure where exactly this mood came from but it has seemed to settle over me much like a fog. Last weekend was a carbon copy of every other weekend for the past two months. Go out, drink, friends, blah blah and while I am young and supposed to spend the majority of my non-working hours in a drunken haze, I would like to feel just slightly better about A) my life B) where said life is going and C) what I spend my time doing when I am not at work.
I know that as a human I have control over the choices that I make on a daily basis. The choices that I have been making lately seemed to be plauged with debauchery. My life is like Mardi Gras every weekend, full of people and alcohol. Five years ago, I never would have imagined that my life at 23 would be what it is today. At the end of the weekend I look back and think, "Wow Britt, how about accomplishing something besides a rockin headache next weekend?". My apartment is in desperate need of being cleaned, my laundry has piled up to dangerous status and my emotions are all over the place.
Michael has returned to almost an everyday occurence in my life. I think about him and us and this and that almost everyday and it is because of the depression that the alcohol is causing. I know that as a depressant alcohol stays in your system for a couple of days even after you are sober, therefore, still affecting your mood. It has done what it was intended to do.
Be it resolved that I am going to turn around my life and the choices that I make. I have a test to study for that happens in September. It will likely be one of the most challenging things that I have done to date. Basically, I am taking the CPA exam without the college degree and four years of knowledge that most people have when they take it. I am going to be an Enrolled Agent which will allow me to negotiate with the IRS on behalf of clients. This is a pretty big responsibility that requires a lot of knowledge about the tax law. In short, I have to learn the tax code. All of it.
What I intend to do is take my free time and study. There are a plethera of Starbucks and libraries around my house and I sure that spending my time in those with my iPod stuck in my head would do exactly what it is that I want to do and that is challenge my brain. I need to learn and make wrinkles in my brain so that I don't get soft. I need to improve my quality of life and THAT can be done with a mop and broom in my house rather than just letting laundry pile and dust accumulate.
Let it be done.
Good goals, kiddo! Stick to your newly-found ideas. Your heart never lies to you!
Where are you??? Are you still down? Are you studying for the CPA? Are you too busy with tax season??
Answer, darnit!
just worried
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