Random Thoughts and Raves

Friday, March 03, 2006


Its amazing the games that your mind plays with you when you are paying attention. I am extremely buy with work and with my friends. My life continues to move along at break neck speed with me along for the ride. That is typically how I like things to be because I don't have time to concentrate and ponder over things that could possibly drive me insane but every now and then those thoughts inch their way into my brain.

Today is a strange day. The weather is gorgeous, its Friday, and I have plans that do not include going to the bar this weekend but I am missing Michael. There isn't really any particular reason for me to be thinking about and/or missing him but, a song, or a memory or something will implant itself into my thoughts and there I go. Honestly, he was a great guy and his arms always gave a warm embrace. Maybe that is what I am missing, the simple warm embrace from someone who loves me.


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