Random Thoughts and Raves

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Verdict

I woke up at 4am and my body refused to allow me to return to sleep. Mostly because it felt like someone had crammed sandpaper down my throat. The scratchy throat has turned into a full on war.

In this corner we have a mere mortal man who has been plauged with the disease since he can remember (six times in college, in less than a year). Opposing the defending champion is the evil, painful, and unpleasant strep throat. He has tried many a time to defeat our champion but his plans have been foiled every time to date. Our champion will once again be victorious for he is armed with the mighty and fast acting, Leva-pak, five day antibiotic. HA HA!!!!! You will be foiled evil villan.

I spent most of the early morning in bed watching mindless drivle on the boob tube. I called my doctors office first thing when they opened and was told that he could see me on Thursday. Thursday my ass. I could be in the hospital by then if this is left untreated. I called a doctor that a co-worker goes to and was scheduled for this afternoon. God love United Healthcare. No primary physicians, just go to a doctor as long as he accepts the insurance.

I went, I waited. My appt was at 145pm and after getting slightly lost trying to make my way to the office I sat sitting for one hour in the outside waiting room, listening to a woman file her nails and then another hour in the exam room. I was grateful for the Dr. to see me at all. He gave me the scrip and I was outta there, off to Walgreens to collect my drugs, ice cream and the latest Us Weekly. I am vowing to spend the next 24 hours in bed, on docs orders and kick this disease.

Thank God for ice cream and modern medicine.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Tony said...

Get well soon.... just.... don't hug me.

"Cuz... well.... strep throat is just SO not sexy.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Maidy said...

Mmmmmm, ice cream.

Feel better!

At 4:25 AM, Blogger ninjapoodles said...

Have you had your tonsils out? If not, do. Best thing I ever did, even if I was in my 20's when I did it, and not a little bouncing-back-quickly kid.


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