RAZRs, Lesbians, and a Re-do
Um, I need another weekend to recover from the one that I just had. Friday afternoon, Ron (the boss) and I met at J.R.'s for Happy Hour. Evidently, my idea of Happy Hour extends from 5:45 until 2 in the morning. For some reason, I thought it necessary to drink for a total of 8 hours. Thats right 8 hours!!! GROSS!!! I am so disgusting BUT for every action there is an opposite and sometimes painful reaction.
REACTION TIME: 8am Saturday morning. After being asleep for maybe 6 hours, I wake up to the WORST hangover in recorded history. It felt like there were little men in my head mining for coal or something. I also smelled as though someone had drug me feet first through lifes ashtray. My hair, my skin, ewwww. It truly almost make me sick. Unable to return to the most coveted state of slumber, I get up and shower washing off the film of liquor that seems to coat my body. My stomach is NOT a fan of walking, movement or light. Somehow I managed to get all clean, stumble back to the bed and collapse until my alarm went off at 10:30. I had told friends that I would meet them for brunch at 11:30. I regreted this decision as my alarm was squeeling. Another shower, clean clothes, BIG BLACK sunglasses and out the door I went. The food helped and so I came to the office to get some things done. It took about 30 minutes before my bed called.
After a nap and some more greasy food, I started to feel better about myself. I got up dressed and went to Mi Cocina in the West Village.
Let me describe the scene. The West Village is very trendy, shops under overpriced apts and where all of the incredibly good looking 20 somethings of Dallas live, shop, and eat.
We arrive at Mi Cocina and put our name on the list. We are told the wait is 52 minutes. 52? Not 53 or 54 but apparently in 52 minutes the table monitor is going to tell someone that they have to move because there are 3 queens waiting to eat. I was suspicious. We go to the bar and order drinks. 3 drinks=$20+tip. I sort of felt like I had been robbed at gun point. But I drank my drinks and waited for the table, watching the most gorgeous group of people I have ever seen laugh and carry on. Serioiusly, I felt WAY out of place. I am sure that they were all plastic as a ken doll with about as much depth as a mud puddle but DANG they were pretty. Anyway, we eat laugh have some more $20 drinks and then I make my way to meet my friends at Sue Ellens the local mostly lesbian bar.
You will note that all gay bars in Dallas for some reason are name after characters from the soap opera "Dallas". Interesting fact.
I arrive at Sue Ellens, not feeling like being out but I have to be social and I told them that I would meet them out for a drink. So I did. I had a couple and decided to get some fresh air on the patio. I am sitting talking to someone when a woman that I have NEVER seen and/or met comes up to me, straddles me and kisses me on the lips. NO!!! I was like, WTF?? DO NOT EVER DO THAT!!!! This woman did not know me and more importantly I did not know her. I was SHOCKED and grossed completely out.
Sunday was a better day. I ran around with Ron looking for a very specific pair of sunglasses. They were not to be found. After looking through Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, and several other sunglass stores we came to the conclusion that these sunglasses DO NOT EXIST.

I went to a Superbowl gathering. I didn't watch it. I watched the commercials and played with my new phone. I collapsed exhausted into bed at the whopping 8:45 and feel like crap today. NO DRINKING FOR AT LEAST A WEEK!!! My liver needs it. I need a redo. That is the only conclusion that I can come to.
Ahhhh, youth!
I remember the days of drinking and running around and barely sleeping and catching trains from out of state to make it into work just in time Monday mornings.
So a chick straddled you? Please say she was at least cute and not a scary mary. You poor thing. Next time keep a saftey pin in hand.
OK, I'll just say it. Dude, when you're drinking so much that you are shopping for imaginary sunglasses and going to Superbowl parties, it's time for an intervention. You'll thank me later.
Hi Britt, coupla things ...
a.) I have the Motorola Razr and have had it since August. Sometimes it's a POS but I make up for it by having the "Hung Up" ringtone, which I d/l'ed the second it became available. I recommend you do this too. It's hot.
b.) I really admire your mad hangover recovery skillz. A man after my own heart. You don't need an intervention. You just need 1/2 a Xanax.
c.) Happy Hour isn't intended to end. It's just a nice way of saying "Get Your Drunk On Earlier Thank Normal." I'm in PR and this is what we call spin.
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