Random Thoughts and Raves

Friday, February 24, 2006

Hey Hottie......

Well, it is blatantly obvious that my life has been overtaken by tax returns. This will be the fourth weekend in a row that I am planning on coming into the office to get some work done. It is hard to prioritize because the returns are billed at a flat fee and the accounting work that I have to do is billed by the hour so the accounting work seems to be more advantageous to me from a billing stand point but I can hear you falling asleep so I will move on.

Last night, I went to a business mix and mingle. The shake hands and kiss babies kind of thing. Being the face of my firm is so hard, but someone has to do it. LOL. Anyway, as I was leaving there was this group of guys that were somewhat attractive and by that I mean they appeared to have come from their apartments instead of from underneath a bridge where most guys who hit on me come from. Anyway, back to the story. I am walking with Ron (the boss) and these guys literally stop in their tracks and start a hooting and hollering not unlike New York City construction workers when Pam Anderson walks past.

(Not that I have seen this happen, but it is what my imagination compared it to.)

I smiled politely and continued walking because it is slightly embarassing. Ron turns to me and said "Well, those guys were after you evidently". My response, "Yeah, when did that happen?"

Ron: What?

Me: When did I start attracting attention?

Ron: You always have, you just havent ever noticed before, you have the same allure that your brother has, you just don't utilize it.

This is all very strange considering that I have never really thought of myself as having any sort of allure at all. Then I thought back about the evening. No less than four people came up to me and commented on my recent weight loss. Heartbreak will do that to you. That and I have been trying to eat less than the obscene amounts of food that Texas considers to be 'normal'. As a result, I have lost eleven pounds since Michael and I broke up. This is a good thing. Today, is a good day. Last night was an incredible boost to my self esteem or whatever little there is left. I am considering stopping the self hatred, "You look like crap" commentary when I am getting ready in the morning.

If this sounds all to conceited, someone pinch me. Although this IS my blog so......


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Tony said...

good deal! coulda been worse, they coulda been gagging... like they do when I walk by.

Its all very disconcerting.

I cry myself to sleep in the fetal position, alot.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Virginia Gal said...

oh totally agree about how a little attention can help someone who is feeling low following a heartbreak, I know that first hand (sigh). Hey if you do stop the "you look like crap" in the morning routine, let me know, cause I haven't been able to figure it out yet.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Jason said...

I could totally see the construction workers whistling at you as you cross the street in your heels as you show off your legs! ;)

But in all honesty...its months later after this blog and if you still can't see what a handsome guy you are then you are truly blind.


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