Random Thoughts and Raves

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Four Agreements and Sex and the City on Demand

Sobriety has brought a whole new outlook on my life. I spent the weekend quite sober and it was wonderful to not wake up with a hangover. I felt much more productive than I would have had I just gotten shitty drunk. Although I never really understood shitty drunk. Anyway.

Last week I started a book called the Four Agreements, its something to learn for sure. I wish that I could aptly begin to describe or provide you with a synopsis of its core but I don't seem to be able to do that and convey the same message. Therefore, you should go buy it, right now.

I'll wait.......



Okay, got it? Good. Now start reading it because it is beginning to reshape the way in which I think about my everyday life and the world that I live in. I have never felt more in control of my body, mind, and soul. I think its a combination of having a clear head and also trying to enlighten myself through spiritual thoughts. I just feel more confident in myself and this is a good thing.

On to different news, my loving condo is now PAINTED.

correction: the LIVING ROOM is now painted

I found that with Comcast Digital Cable and HBO I have HBO On Demand. Thank you to Dylan for pointing this out. So last night after being frustrated to the point of insanity with the wreck my house is in, I swore before myself and God that I would FINISH THE LIVING ROOM, no matter how long or how taxing it was. And suffice to say, though exhausted and somewhat sore today, it is COMPLETE!!! YAY for me. Now onto the office and my bedroom. No doubt Sex and the City will be present for every drop of paint that hits the wall until the whole place is done. I have also come up with a drawn plan for my patios landscaping. Its going to be tough, sweaty work, which by nature, I reject but according to my friend JJ, I am nesting and it feels good. After floating through life for almost two years and never really feeling rooted I have now dug down deep and made my roots on Holland Avenue. My boss Ron apptly said that when it was done I was going to live in a little jewel box. I am so EXCITED I can't even see straight.

This weekend marks almost four months since I have gone back to Little Rock so I have planned a weekend up there with friends and my mom. Mani/pedis are on the agenda as well as a massage and I CAN NOT WAIT. After the up and down rolling excitement that I have experienced I am sore and feeling worn out. An 1 and 1/2 massage is just what this Dallas queen ordered. As soon as I get the furniture placed and the art hung I will take some pics and post so you guys can share in my joy.

Wishing everyone well and if you havent already bought the book, DO IT DO IT. Its The Four Agreements and it will open your mind.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Jason said...

I am glad your condo is coming along nicely...after all that hardwork you have put into it I am sure you will appreciate it even more once it is completely finsihed.

I am glad you are feeling better with this sobriety kick. It really is a great feeling not having to be wasted 24/7 to have a good time with your friends. I am glad that you are experiencing that and I hope it will bring a great outlook on the other parts of your life.


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