Today, I leave behind the period of life called the early twenties.
Sadly, no one can ever say "OH I think hes in his early twenties" or "its okay if he is a drunk inconsiderate asshole he is in his early 20's". Read previous post regarding that topic. This morning I feel different. Of course, this is totally ridiculous because I was 23 less than 12 hours ago but for some reason, the number*24 brings to mind responsiblity as though the 20-23 timeframe was a sort of entrance into adulthood.
If you consider it and the events that are involved in the 20-23 time period its a time of youth and growth. Part of that period, you are still in college and the remainder is spent getting your 'adulthood' feet wet.
I feel as though 24 is bringing something to me that I have been waiting for, for a while. I have always been 'too old' to hang around people my age but people who are older always consider me 'too young and flaky' because lets face it, for the most part we are. I doubt very seriously that anyone is going to change their attitude towards me because I say I am 24 instead of 23 but for me its an attitude change.
Twenty three was a good year, full of ups and downs, but for the most part it was a good one. I got a new car, gained an assload of AWESOME friends, got into a condo I love, but also had my first true heartbreak.
Twenty four brings a lot of new possibilities. Considering that alcohol has taken a back seat to well everything else in my life I am hoping that it will be a here of consideration, of laughter, love, and joy.
Will report back in one year. Well probably before then but you get the drift
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