
Behold, the image that I have spent the last one and a half hours dealing with....
This may not be an ACTUAL image because had I tried to take a pic with my phone, the likely hood that I would be hospitalized right now would be 100%, but you get the idea.
My brother and his partner, about two years ago, bought a house in Frisco. Let me give you the rundown on Frisco. Its a booming suburb of Dallas, where the families are fleeing because houses are cheap 'er' than in Dallas proper and about a year after purchase has increased in property value about 110%. It is also the land of station wagons, magnetic soccer balls, and suburban housewifes. NOT that there is anything wrong with that but as a general rule, they have forgotten how to navigate their overstuffed Suburbans.
Last week, my brothers grandfather passed away and he had to leave town to attend the memorial service. He asked me if I would mind housesitting and watching the dogs and of course, I agreed.
A. I love staying at their house. Its big, its comfortable, and its fabulous.
B. I love their dogs. So it was an obvious choice.
Last night, I made my way up to the house and had a wonderful evening with the dogs and living in suburbia. It would be nice to have that much space AND a yard to go along with it but the sacrifices may be too high.
I awoke this morning at 6:30. About an hour before usual and began the process of getting dressed for work. I knew that the commute would be substantial as it takes 30 minutes to get their WITHOUT traffic.
This is where it gets tricky because, I drive a standard AND I F ING HATE TRAFFIC. Not just like as an inconvienance. I LOATHE IT!!! The feeling that I have for it is very similar to the one Pat Robertson has for me someday marrying my same sex partner. Its disgusting.
I enter the tollroad at 5 til 7 figuring that an hour and a half should be plenty of time to get to the office. Instant gridlock. I will spare you the details of almost being run over or rammed into multiple times by aforementioned housewifes talking on their phones and applying liquid eyeliner while driving their eighteen wheelers. I will sum it all up in one sentence. I drove almost 20 miles and never got out of second gear.
When I finally made it to the office at 5 after 8 I was exhausted and tired of looking at the inside of my car. The one GOOD thing about it is that my LEFT leg got a work out for sure but my clutch may need to be replaced.
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