Random Thoughts and Raves

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Judgement and Betrayl

Its easy to do.

Before we even realize what we are doing the words come tumbling out like an avalanche. Hes a slut, she drinks too much. I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to judgement. I have tried in the past to remain nuetral and just listen to the situation but I always find my mind wandering into that field mine laiden area of judgement. Its dangerous, can ruin friendships and end relationships. I can actually accomplish the nuetral listening friend role, it just takes concentration.

But what happens when you become so judgemental that you have to wrap yourself in lies just to be able to save face? When suddenly you have talked so much that you can't let any of your friends in on your actual life because you realize that you are human, just like them.

For weeks, I have been struggling with someone in my life who was very close. A good friend. Down on his luck, it seemed as though a break would not be forth coming. This of course, drove him into somewhat of a depression, leading to a lot of alcohol consumption, drug use, deceit, and behavior that was totally unlike and unbecoming of the person that I met months ago and developed a friendship with.

Its strange what our minds will clue us into when we aren't really paying attention. The story of the utter demise of the friendship is long, drawn out, and some what tedious in its pattern so I will spare you the intimate details. Just know that given multiple chances to redeem himself from the lies, he was staunch in his decision to remain as the accused only proving him guilty in my mind. Evidence to support the so called 'truth' would be easily presented and the accusation of the lie immediately withdrawn and apologized for, but instead he chose to base his explanation solely on his word which, at this point, has lost all credit with me.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. This may be a particularly harsh way of looking at the world but honestly, how many times can you expect to completely deceive your friends and not lose one or two. I gave him a chance and he didn't take it. A chance for redemption and instead he chose the road of betrayl.


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