Random Thoughts and Raves

Saturday, December 30, 2006


As the new year rapidly approaches, I am consumed with thoughts of what to do for the celebration itself but more concerning is what changes may come about as one chapter in my life closes and another opens. To say the least, 2006, was a roller coaster of emotion and activity. I started out with a boyfriend, shortly to be single thereafter. I moved, bought a new car, met some of the best people I can imagine and some them turned into something that I didn't sign up for.

Most people see the new year as a time of replenishment, a time to make changes, and a wiping of the slate. I am inspired to agree but know that no one is going to be perfect. Mostly, the new years resolutions of losing weight and the like go on for a short time until you are thrown back into your old ways. The old ways that may not have been so terrible, but just you.

So, in response to the new years resolution, I say, I am going to approach 2007 with a zest for life and simply be the best Britt that I know how to be. The fun Britt, the good example Britt, the Britt that is loved and that loves. Like I haven't been hurt, like no one is watching, and that the only person counting on me is me.

Happy New Year!!


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