Satans Earthly Form....The Scale

As you know, I am working out and trying to not be a fat ass. Last night at the gym I decided to get on the scale and get at least some sort of idea as to where I was starting out from, mind you that the most that I have EVER weighed in my life is 215. My ideal weight was in college at around 195. I only had ONE chin at that point and my thighs well I had TWO of those. So anyway, I get on the scale while "Frankie is Relaxing", look down and to my pleasant suprise the scale says '212'.
Instantly I know this is a VILE AND ODIOUS LIE!!!!
I know that there is NO WAY in the world that I can weigh less than the most I have ever weighed and my pants be getting this tight. Seriously if I continue to wear these pants I am going to get the gut ridge. You know what I am talking about except for you people who have a naturally high metabolism and can eat your way through a Burger King and not gain an ounce.
I used to be like you. Always eating at McDonalds and Taco Bell and NEVER even thinking twice about it. In fact, I could pull off my pants without unbuttoning them, the same pants that I now have to lay flat on the bed and suck in to zip.

After the scale shot that blatant lie at me, I proceeded to work my BUTT off so that maybe when I got on a real scale I wouldn't weigh as much as I thought I actually did.
Well I did. I weighed this morning at work. Don't ask me why but my brother keeps a scale in his office. Possibly to torture his little brother?? I weighed, 227 pounds on the dot. This is going to be a SERIOUS challenge, I want to lose 27 pounds in all reality I want to get to 190 but baby steps my friend baby steps.