Texas Heat and the rise in energy costs

I live in Texas. I understand that Dallas, Texas is apparently seconds away from the hottest part of hell so I am and have been completely able to deal with the insane 100+ degree days that have occured since I have lived here. I am also a democrat and believe that the polar ice caps are melting and causing once cool climates to become warmer, not that Texas was EVER one of those.
It is now beginning to test my seemingly endless patience. It is September 21 a day before the official beginning of fall and the temperature will reach 100 degrees today. Normally, when you are a college student or some other type of person whom does not have to wear a tie to work its not a big deal. Try being a buttoned down, tie wearing, professional who must swelter to death. Not a good time. I refer to the "hot and angry' comment in the 'DMV continues' blog. This has become me.
The Texas heat is not all bad though, it has taught me several important life lessons such as:
1. NEVER, I repeat NEVER purchase a car with black leather seats and live here unless you are prepared for the pain of third degree burns on your butt and hands. Sometimes the steering wheel feels like it is melting in my hands. Its almost surreal.
2. NEVER, rent a vaulted ceiling apartment on the top floor of an apartment building unless you are financially capable of paying 271.00 a month in electric bills to keep it cool. This from experience (thats right my 525 square foot apartments electric bill in August was 271.00) I almost fainted.
3. There is nothing that compares to the tan that one gets from the Texas sun. Its almost instantaneous. Need a tan for the next night, walk to the mailbox with no shirt on. THERE YOU GO!!! Hmmm, if only I could bottle it and sell it on ebay.
Texas is an interesting place to live, its hotter than any other place save for the Sahara but for all the gripes it has its advantages. If I want to go to a GREAT art gallery or a sculpture garden, I can. If I want to go to a FANTASTIC zoo its only about 30 minutes away so I guess I can't gripe too much. I will just have to be careful about plopping down in the seat of my car on the way to the cool stuff.